
Image: Midjourney

Some friends of mine at Parallax Information Consulting have been working with a dataset from Statistics Canada (StatsCan) derived from the Canadian Legal Problems Survey (CLPS). This survey is a national survey of Canadians’ experiences with the justice system, and is conducted periodically, with the most recent survey conducted in 2021.

The main dataset is provided by StatsCan as a Public Use Microdata File (PUMF), containing both data and documentation describing the data and survey methodology.

In a previous blogpost, I describe the extraction I performed of survey metadata from a PDF “codebook” provided by StatsCan. In this blogpost, I describe the construction of a dashboard from the main CLPS dataset itself. First, I’ll give an overview of the organization of the project and go through the structure of the data. Then I’ll describe some simple data validation procedures I performed using a data validation toolkit called Pandera. Finally, I’ll spend the bulk of this post describing the dashboard and its implementation, including various issues I encountered.

Project Organization

The code for this project is organized as follows:

├── .streamlit/
│   └── config.toml
├── clps/
│   ├── survey_vars/
│   │   ├──
│   │   ├──
│   │   └──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── clps_docs
├── data/
│   ├──
│   └── survey_vars.json
├── test/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── text/
│   └──
├── .gitattributes
├── .gitignore
├── config.yaml
├── requirements.txt

The main dashboard code is found in, containing the main logic flow and UI elements for the Streamlit app.

The clps folder contains module code that is called by This includes the submodule (handling pandas data transformations), the survey_vars submodule (handling survey variable extraction), and (which handles project-level constants).

The data folder contains a compressed version of the CLPS data ( and the extracted survey variables (survey_vars.json) from the codebook. Note: corresponds to clps2021ecpj_p.csv in the CLPS PUMF.

The test folder contains pytest tests.

The text folder holds long text/markdown files, which currently consists of the introduction text for the dashboard.

.streamlit contains configuration info for Streamlit Community Cloud (SCC). Additionally, requirements.txt contains the Python dependencies for installation on Streamlit Community Cloud, but does not contain the full list of dependencies for local development (as some dependencies are already loaded by SCC).

config.yaml contains project configuration info, which is mostly file paths for the data. is a script that does minor validation of the CLPS dataset using Pandera.

CLPS Methodology Overview

The methodology for the CLPS survey is described in detail in the “Guide” section of the CLPS documentation, but a brief overview is given here.

To construct this dataset, StatsCan sampled 42,400 people drawn mostly from the 2016 Canadian Census. This sample contains 29,972 people from the general population, and 12,428 people oversampled from the Indigenous population. This sampling was stratified by province, and the Indigenous population further sub-stratified by Indigenous identity. The response rate was 50.7%, and combined with other exclusions, resulted in a final sample of 21,170 respondents.

To account for the stratified design, StatsCan provides a set of survey weights. These weights (ranging from 20 - 8140) represent the number of people in the Canadian population that each respondent represents. For example, a respondent with a weight of 570.9 (the median weight) should have their response treated as if it represents 570.9 people. Note that the sum of the weights is less than the total population of Canada, as it takes into account the exclusions from the sample (e.g. people less than 18 years of age).

For estimating sample variance, StatsCan also provides 1000 bootstrap sample sets. However, I did not use these for this project (see discussion).

CLPS Data Overview

Shape of the CLPS Dataset

The primary dataset is a CSV file consisting of 21,170 rows and 277 columns. Each row corresponds to a survey respondent, whereas each column corresponds to a survey variable.

Of the 277 survey variables, 274 represent a response to a survey question (including demographic variables). The remaining 3 columns are an ID column (PUMFID), a column of survey weights (WTPP), and a column representing the date the data was created (VERDATE, which only consists of one value, 28/02/2022).

Survey answers are represented as integers. For example, survey variable PRIP10A represents a question with the text:

“Were the following disputes or problems serious and not easy to fix? - A large purchase or service where you did not get what you paid for and the seller did not fix the problem”

which could be answered with the following values:

    "Yes": 1,
    "No": 2,
    "Valid skip": 6,
    "Not stated": 9

Thus, the PRIP10A column will have the values 1, 2, 6, or 9.

"Valid skip" refers to a question that is not applicable to the respondent, given their response to a previous question. For PRIP10A, the question is only asked if the respondent had answered “Yes” to the question for PRIP05A with the text:

“Have you had any of the following types of disputes or problems in Canada since (month) 2018? - A large purchase or service where you did not get what you paid for and the seller did not fix the problem”

The full list of survey variables and their answer encodings can be in found in the CLPS codebook. This is available as a PDF, but I have also extracted the data as a JSON file that can be browsed as a dashboard in a related project detailed in another blogpost.

Since this data is mostly integers, it’s highly compressable, with the zipped data taking 576KB of space (from 12MB uncompressed).

Data Validation

Before working with the data, I wanted to check my assumptions and compare the data to the values extracted from the CLPS codebook (see previous blogpost).

Rather than simply coding the checks, I decided to use a data validation tool. I had recently come across a YouTube video discussing Pandera, a data validation toolkit for pandas dataframes. While it took me a bit of extra time to learn, I felt that a framework would help organize the structure of the code and make it easier to scale for more validation checks in the future.

Aside from simple checks like type checking, I wanted to check the following:

  1. For the column PUMFID, that every row is unique.
  2. The unique values in every column match the answer codes from each survey variable extracted from the codebook. This excludes PUMFID and WTPP, which do not contain answer codes.
  3. Compiled answer frequencies and weighted frequencies match the codebook.
  4. There are no null values.

Panderas primarily uses DataFrameSchema objects to validate dataframes. These schema objects are defined with various different checks, such as with column-based validation (allowing one to check e.g. the data types, null values, and more complex checks), as well as wide checks, where checks operate on more than column of a dataframe simultaneously. For checking matching answer codes and frequencies, I used column-based checks, whereas for the weighted frequencies, I used wide checks as I had to compute the sum of the weighted frequencies for each answer code using the WTPP weight column. For checking the lack of null values, Pandera checks disallow null values by default unless specified.

The validation script can be run with (in the top level directory):

python 2> validate_test_err.txt

Piping the stderr is optional, but convenient for inspection as Pandera outputs its collected errors to the stderr stream. See --help for input/output filepath options.

Dashboard Overview

The dashboard is built with Streamlit. I chose Streamlit as it promised an easy-to-use interface for building dashboards from relatively simple Python scripts.

The dashboard can be accessed online at Additionally, it can also be run locally by cloning the repository and running streamlit run in the top-level directory.

The dashboard is a single page, and looks like this:

Dashboard overview: UI elements and plot.
Dashboard overview: data table.

On the left, a toggleable sidebar provides introductory information as well as instructions on operating the dashboard. On the right is the main part of the dashboard, which is split into three sections.

The top section contains widgets for selecting the survey variable to display, filtering by region, and grouping by demographic information. Demographic variables are also survey variables (e.g. “Age Group” refers to the data column “AGEGRP”). Note that a user cannot select a demographic variable and groupby the same demographic variable.

There is also a checkbox to control whether weighted frequencies are displayed (i.e. checked will use survey weights to compute the weighted frequencies, whereas unchecked will use raw counts of the survey respondents), and a checkbox to control whether the plot below is capable of mouse-based interactive panning and zooming. Disabling pan/zoom can be useful for users who want to scroll up and down over the dashboard without accidentally panning or zooming the plot.

The middle section contains a plot of the selected data, (using Altair as the plotting library). This is a bar plot that can be stacked by grouping variables. Additionally, Streamlit handles interactive Altair plots, allowing pan/zoom, hover tooltips, and the ability to save the plot as a SVG/PNG file (via the three-dot menu in the top-right corner).

The bottom section contains a data table displaying the plotted data, for convenient readability and inspection.

While I did not really consider responsive design when building the dashboard, the default Streamlit behaviour seems to function well enough on mobile, as most of the UI is inside a central column. However, some of the survey variables with many options (i.e. with many categories on the x-axis) end up being extremely-cramped or unreadable on mobile

Dashboard Implementation

App Flow

Here is an overview of the data flow in the dashboard app:

graph TD classDef bg_box stroke:None, fill:#C2E1FF; classDef empty fill:None, stroke:None; classDef bg_box stroke:None, fill:#C2E1FF; classDef nodes stroke:#00478F, stroke-width:2px, fill:#FFE45C, color:black; linkStyle default stroke-width:3px; subgraph bg [ ] A[Load Config] --> B[Load CLPS Data]; A[Load Config] --> C[Load Survey Vars Metadata]; D[Deploy UI Elements]; B & C & D --> F[Data Transformation Pipeline]; F --> G[Altair Plot] & H[Data Table]; end class bg bg_box; class A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H nodes;

The steps are:

  1. Load the config.yaml configuation file. This contains the filepaths to various input files, as well as a flag for whether to load the compressed data. It is loaded as a dictionary.
  2. Load the CLPS data ( and the survey variable metadata (survey_vars.json). The main CLPS data loader is cached to avoid reloading the data upon app state changes. Survey variable metadata is loaded into a custom SurveyVars class (located in clps.survey_vars.utils) for convenient access.
  3. Deploy the UI elements, which includes the sidebar and various widgets for selecting/filtering/grouping.
  4. Feed the widgets’ return values and the CLPS data/metadata into the data transformation pipeline (this is a call to clps.transform.transform()).
  5. Plot the transformed data with Altair.
  6. Style and display the transformed data as a table.

The details of selected steps are discussed below.

Representing the Survey Variables: SurveyVars Class

%%{ init: { 'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#BB2528', 'primaryTextColor': '#fff', 'primaryBorderColor': '#7C0000', 'lineColor': '#F8B229', 'secondaryColor': '#006100', 'tertiaryColor': '#fff' } } }%% classDiagram class SurveyVars { +get_var(key: str) -> _SurveyVar +__getitem__(key: str) -> _SurveyVar +get_all_var_names() -> list[str] +get_region() -> _SurveyVar (for "REGION") } class _SurveyVar { +raw -> dict +name -> str +var_name -> str +length -> str +position -> str +question_name -> str +concept -> str +question_text -> str +universe -> str +note -> str +source -> str +ans_cats -> list[str] | None +answer_categories -> list[str] | None +codes -> list[int] | list[str] | None +freqs -> list[int] | None +frequencies -> list[int] | None +wt_freqs -> list[int] | None +weighted_frequencies -> list[int] | None +percents -> list[float] | None +totals -> dict +lookup_answer(code: int | str, suppress_missing: bool) -> str | None +lookup_freq(code: int | str, suppress_missing: bool) -> int | None +lookup_weighted_freq(code: int | str, suppress_missing: bool) -> int | None +lookup_percent(code: int | str, suppress_missing: bool) -> float | None +has_valid_skips() -> bool } SurveyVars *-- _SurveyVar

The SurveyVars class is a custom class defined in clps.survey_vars.utils. The constructor for the SurveyVars class takes in a file path to the location of the survey variable metadata JSON file. It calls a helper function load_keyed_survey_vars() to load the JSON file (which is formatted equivalently to a Python list of dicts). This list of dicts is then converted into a dictionary where the keys are the survey variable names, and the values are _SurveyVar objects that represent a single survey variable.

SurveyVars has several access mechanisms. get_var(key: str) returns a _SurveyVar object, and implementing the __getitem__ dunder method allows for [ ] bracket indexing. Additionally, get_all_var_names() returns a list of all the survey variable names. get_region() is a special convenience method that returns the _SurveyVar object for the “REGION” survey variable.

Individual _SurveyVar objects are created from their raw JSON dictionary-like representations. During instantiation, private attributes for each piece of metadata are created (e.g. self._name, self._concept, etc.). These can then be accessed by public @property attributes that are read-only. As well, lookup dictionaries are generated for allowing access to answer categories, frequencies, etc., by their answer codes. These are accessed by lookup_*() methods (e.g. lookup_answer(code: int | str)). A has_valid_skips() method is provided to check whether the survey variable has the “Valid skip” answer category.

Special handling is required for survey variable “PROBCNTP”, as the metadata has an aggregated answer category “01-16” that sums up all the individual answer categories 1 to 16. These numbers represent how many “serious problems” a survey respondent reported having, and are not aggregated in the main CLPS data. The answer section for “PROBCNTP” is moved into private attributes of the form self._aggregate_*, and a new set of answer categories and codes is generated that disaggregates the “01-16” category into individual answer categories. However, no attempt is made to disaggregate the frequencies, weighted frequencies, or percentages, as this would require access (and coupling) to the raw CLPS data, and does not appear to be necessary at this time.

For any survey variable that has a missing metadata attribute (e.g. “PUMFID” has no answer section at all), calling the attribute returns None. For lookup_*() methods, this is also the default behaviour, but a suppress_missing=False flag can be passed to raise an AttributeError instead.

UI Elements

The UI widgets for selecting/filtering/grouping the data.

UI elements are deployed in the main file by various deploy_*() functions.

deploy_sidebar() takes a file path to a text file containing text for the sidebar text, as read from config.yaml.

The data selection/filtering/grouping widgets are st.selectbox() objects. These objects take a list of options, as well as a format_func that converts options to appropriate strings for display. The return values of these widgets are the selected options. For example, deploy_survey_var_selectbox() returns the selected survey variable name (e.g. "AGEGRP"), which itself is returned from the st.selectbox() used in the function. The checkboxes operate similarly.

When the user changes an option, Streamlit reruns the entire app script with the new option value set. Hence, it is important for relatively expensive operations like data-loading to be cached with @st.cache_data.

Data Transformation Pipeline

graph TD classDef bg_box stroke:None, fill:#C2E1FF; classDef empty fill:None, stroke:None; classDef bg_box stroke:None, fill:#C2E1FF; classDef nodes stroke:#00478F, stroke-width:2px, fill:#FFE45C, color:black; linkStyle default stroke-width:3px; subgraph bg ["clps.transform.transform()"] A["Raw DF"]; B["_filter_by_region()"]; C["_filter_by_selected_and_groupby()"]; D["_convert_to_categorical()"]; E["_filter_valid_skips()"]; F["_groupby_and_aggregate()"]; G["Transformed DF"]; A --> B --> C --> D --> E --> F --> G; end class bg bg_box; class A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H nodes;

The collected UI widget values, along with the CLPS data and survey variable metadata, are passed to clps.transform.transform().

This function calls internal helper functions in clps.transform to do the following:

  • Filter the CLPS data for the region of interest (row filtering).
  • Filter by the selected and groupby variables (column filtering).
  • Replace integer answer codes with string answer categories, stored as a ordered categorical data type.
  • Filter out “Valid skip” answer categories, if applicable.
  • Groupby and aggregate. This is done by summing up the survey weights for weighted frequencies, or counting the rows for raw frequencies.

The transformed data is returned as a DataFrame.

Plotting with Altair

An Altair Stacked Bar Plot

Originally, I wanted to plot the data with matplotlib, as I was already familiar with it. However, it seemed to me that for interactive plots, I would have to use third-party libraries like mpld3, or use an interactive backend. It wasn’t immediately obvious to me how much work this would be. I then noticed that the default Streamlit plotting functions used Altair as their plotting library. These plots look quite good and had interactivity without much configuration, so I thought I might as well learn Altair and have some fun with it.

Note: when I was first developing the app, Streamlit only supported Altair version 4, but now supports Altair version 5 as of the June 1, 2023 Streamlit version 1.23.0 release.

The main plotting function in is create_chart(). The body of this function deals largely with a number of chart arguments before passing them into the alt.Chart object in a series of chained methods:

return (alt.Chart(df)

The four steps in the chain correspond to steps

  1. Loading the data into a Chart object.
  2. Specifying that the chart should be a bar chart.
  3. Specifying how the data should be converted into the bars. This includes what variable the bars should be, how and what order the bars should be stacked, what the axis labels should be, etc.
  4. Configuring global parameters for the chart.

This design I find to be quite elegant. However, I did encounter some issues.

Issues and Considerations with Altair Plotting

Altair Aggregations vs Pandas Aggregations

Altair offers the ability to aggregate the data within the Chart object itself. This was my initial design, as it seemed extremely convenient. However, as I wanted to test the data transformations for correctness, I needed a way to look at the data post-aggregation. I was unable to find an easy way to do this. I tried to pull out the Vega/Vega-Lite specification, but they appeared to only contain unaggregated data. Subsequently, I put all data transformation logic into pandas operations as described above, which allowed me to test the transformed data. Essentially, this also allows decoupling of transformation vs plotting.

Stacked Bar Chart Sort Order

For stacked bar charts, the default behaviour of Altair is to sort the colour bars by the names of the grouping variable’s subgroups.

Stacked bar chart - default sort order.

However, this is not desireable, as the CLPS survey variables have their own implicit order, as specified in the codebook. Setting an :O flag for ordinal data to pull the internal order from a Pandas ordered Categorical dtype column is not a currently supported solution in Altair.

A custom sort order can be specified in the color encoding channel:

groupby_order = list(df[groupby_var].cat.categories)
color = alt.Color(

While this sorts the legend, it does not actually sort the order of the stacked bars themselves:

Stacked bar chart - with custom sort order in the colour encoding channel.

Surprisingly, there is no native way to provide a custom ordering to the stacked bar order. Instead, the official documentation points to the solution found in this Github comment, wherein the order encoding is used to access an underlying variable in the Vega specification (of the form f"color_{groupby_var}_sort_index"). Thus, in the case where grouping is performed for the age group variable ("AGEGRP"):

groupby_order = list(df[groupby_var].cat.categories)
color = alt.Color(
order = alt.Order(
    f'color_{groupby_var}_sort_index:Q', sort='descending')

the resulting variable would be "color_AGEGRP_sort_index".

You can actually see this variable name if you use the default tooltip:

Stacked bar chart - with order encoding workaround.

Breaking Long Bar Chart Labels

For some survey variables, the name of some categories can be very long, and would look better with line wrapping:

Bar chart with wrapped labels.

One way to wrap labels is to split the label into separate list items. For reasons I did not end up diagnosing, this did not work for me.

I ended up using a workaround where I split the labels using textwrap.wrap(), joined the list with the delimiter ----, then used the labelExpr argument in alt.Axis to provide a Vega expression that splits the labels on the delimiter:

x = alt.X(f"{selected_var}",
              title=f"{selected_var} - {survey_vars[selected_var].concept}",
                            # Vega expression to split the labels
                            labelExpr=f"split(datum.label, '{LABEL_SPLIT}')"))

Newlines apparently do not work as a delimiter, although I did not investigate this further to confirm.

Data Table Display

Grouped data displayed as a table.

The output from transform() is also displayed as a data table, and is processed by style_datatable() to return a Pandas Styler object. Although there is no styling applied currently, this Styler object allows further styling of the table, either by altering style_datatable() itself, or via further chained method calls on the Styler object in the main body. This styled dataframe is then passed into st.dataframe(), with a magic formula passed to the height argument to prevent scrolling on the data table.

While I was originally working on this app, Streamlit did not support hiding of the index column via a call to Styler.hide(). As well, there was a bug in the display of categorical index columns. Both these issues appear to have been fixed in the June 1, 2023 release of Streamlit 1.23.0 (search for “hide_index” and “display issue with index columns using category dtype”).


Test suite output.

Testing is primarily handled using Pytest. The test suite is located in the tests/ directory, and covers the clps.transform and clps.survey_vars.utils submodules. The test suite can be run with using pytest in the shell at the project root directory. Use -vv optionally for verbose output.

For clps.transform, I tested the final output of the transform() function. The first set of tests covers the cases where there is no groupby variable. For several selected survey variables, the output of transform() was compared with reference values (frequencies etc.) that were manually obtained from the codebook. The second set of tests covers the cases where there is a groupby variable. Here, I picked several survey variables and then picked a different subcategory and subgroup for each survey variable. The output of transform() was then compared against a freshly written set of pandas methods that would perform the same operations to extract that particularly subcategory and subgroup.

For clps.survey_vars.utils, I instantiated a SurveyVars object and pulled out several individual _SurveyVar objects representing individual survey variables. For these, I tested various methods/attributes of the _SurveyVar objects (e.g. has_valid_skips, lookup_answer, universe, note, etc.) and compared them against reference values from the codebook.

For testing the coherence between the data table and the plots, I relied on manual visual testing. Essentially, I picked a few variables at random and check if the size of the stacked bars and their tooltips match the data table. This is not ideal, and potentially could be automated with a library like Selenium in the future. Given the data flow (data transformation -> chart / table) and minimal manipulation during chart creation, I thought it was not too likely that the data would be mutated accidentally, and decided to leave automated testing for the future.

Miscellaneous Issues: Using Git Large File Storage

Git LFS monthly bandwidth and storage usage limits.

Originally, I was going to package the original uncompressed CLPS data and bootstraps along with the repo using Git Large File Storage (LFS) . Github offers 1GB of storage and 1GB of bandwidth per month for free, which I assumed would be plenty, as these two files together are around 200MB, and I wasn’t expecting that many people would try to clone the repo. It turns out, I alone overshot this bandwidth limit in less than 10 minutes while I was doing some troubleshooting and ended up cloning the repo a few times.

Since the original data is distributed by StatsCan regardless, I decided to remove this data from the repo and from registration with Git LFS. Personally, I found this surprisingly confusing.

The instructions on Github recommend first using a tool such as git-filter-repo to purge your git history of these large files. It then recommends either removing the files from .gitattributes or running git lfs uninstall. However git lfs uninstall appears to just uninstall git-lfs from my system. What I found was left was a .git/lfs directory that still contained local copies of the large files.

I ended up just deleting the .git/lfs directory, although I’m not sure if I was supposed to use git-lfs-prune instead. I also ended up running git-filter-repo on the .gitattributes file itself, since I had nothing in there information in there except for the large file storage information.

The Github docs then say that the only way to remove the large files from the Github LFS storage quota itself is to delete the Github repo and recreate it. This is a bit of a hassle, as I had to make backups, create a new repo, move things over, etc.

In the future, I think I would consider more carefully whether there are alternatives before using Git LFS.

Discussion and Future Improvements

There are several areas of discussion and potential improvements.

Data Caching

Currently, the main CLPS data is cached using the @st.cache_data decorator. However, the loading of survey_variables.json is not cached. This is because the @st.cache_data decorator only works if the function output is pickleable.

A potential option would to cache the loading of the survey_variables.json file itself, and the construct the SurveyVars instance from JSON data. However, I’m not sure if there would be much of a performance gain, as survey_variables.json is only around 250KB.

Design of the SurveyVars Class

I had a piecemeal approach to designing the SurveyVars class, whereby I implemented and changed the class as needed while working on the data transformations pipeline. In retrospect, I think it would have been beneficial to spend a bit more upfront time thinking about and writing down the potential API of the class before I started coding it. This would have also allowed me to pursue a test-driven development approach, which may have helped me code more clearly and with more speed, instead of writing tests after the fact as I did here.

Removing Valid Skips

“Valid skip” values are removed in the transformation pipeline by checking for values against a project-wide VALID_SKIP constant. To me, this feels somewhat like a design inconsistency. An alternative could be that _SurveyVar objects could return an integer value for valid skips for that particular survey variable, so that data can be filtered before conversion of the CLPS integer data to string data. However, in the CLPS dataset, all valid skips are the same string, so it is not really worth the effort to do this, unless there is a potential for new data where valid skips take on different string values.

Additional Features

Some additional features that could be added include:

  • A plot to display the distribution of responses for follow-up questions. Some questions/survey variables are only presented to respondents if they answered a previous question with a particular response. For example, the question for "PRIP10A" is only presented if the respondent answered “Yes” to the question for "PRIP05A". In turn, survey variables "CON_10A" to "CON_10H" are only presented if the respondent answered “Yes” to "PRIP10A". This flow of respondents could be displayed as a Sankey diagram.
  • Implementation of StatsCan release guidelines. In the guide document for CLPS, StatsCan recommends that estimates be released with confidence intervals (calculated from bootstrap weights). As well, StatsCan has a series of guidelines for when survey category and group size estimates should be released with warnings or suppressed if the sample size is too small. I have omitted this feature for now, but this is worth implementing if this dashboard is to be used as more than a simple exploration tool for the CLPS dataset.

Further Information

If you’d like to know more about this dataset, please reach out to Parallax Information Consulting!

Thanks for reading!